Welcome to the BCA Pool League
The Carolina BCA Pool League operates as a BCAPL sanctioned league. The league follows both CSI (CueSports International) Official Rules and our Local Bylaws, which supersede specific CSI rules, voted for by team captains. It is each players responsibility to be familiar with these rules.
When joining the league as a new BCAPL player, an annual $30.00 membership fee is due by the second week of match play, then annually each January. Existing BCAPL players must submit the membership fee by the second week of match play starting January each year. The membership fee is paid just once per calendar year January to December. Joining more than one BCAPL is permitted for the same membership fee.
BCA provides the most accurate and universally player ratings by using a Fargo Rate. You get an established Fargo Rate after 200 games are played. If you are a 400 in Scotland, you will be a 400 in Arizona.
The BCA Pool League was founded in 1978 by the Billiard Congress of America (BCA) to unify independent local leagues around the world. In 2004, the BCA decided to primarily focus on being a trade association and sold the BCA Pool League to CueSports International(CSI). Because it was so well-known, the BCA Pool League name was retained. Note: Billiard Congress of America is not affiliated with the BCA Pool League. The “BCA” in BCA Pool League now stands for Billiards & Cue Sports Association.

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